There might be FTP servers with extended command sets, but detecting this and writing the necessary special cases for these servers in to Transmit is likely more time consuming than it's worth. If you want to make a copy of something on an FTP server you first have to download it and then upload it to the new location.

You have get (pull a file from remote to local) and put (push a file from local to remote) and that's it. For example, FTP:// is no copy command among the list of basic FTP commands. On the address bar type your public IP address on an FTP format.Use the Windows key + E keyboard shortcut to open File Explorer.You have to use the following instructions to be able to browse, download and upload files. Keep in mind that the method shown above is only useful to test, browse, and download files from an FTP site. How to upload files to an FTP server on Windows 10

Simply enter your account credentials and you're should be able to sign-in. If you get a login prompt, then everything is working as expected. Note your public IP address from the results and type it into the address bar using the FTP link format and press Enter. To test if your FTP server is reachable from the internet, visit Google or Bing, do a search for "What's my IP?". You can also opt to use Chrome, Firefox, or another modern web browser. Note: I'm using Internet Explorer, because Microsoft Edge seems not to include the functionality to browse FTP sites. Typically, it's private address in the .x range. Make note of the Default Gateway IP address, which is the IP address of your router.