You'll have ultra-fast Wi-Fi in a matter of min. esmi upton dallas Set up your new 5G Home Internet with ease, using our brand new 5G compass, found only in the My Verizon app. As many smart home devices use the 2.4GHz, this created issues of the Gateway no longer sending an internet signal when more than 10 devices tried to connect to the 2.4GHz.

vzw vzw DA: 36 PA: 46 … playstation store discount code 5 hours ago smartsetup -backup-android-apple-video: Transcripción del video. The Smart Setup site walks you through everything, and this video will show you what to expect. Pairing Your Child’s Devices On Android Select the Child from the Family Picker. Name the lines you’re adding if you want. Select the lines you’d like to add to the Smart Family. Login into Verizon Smart Family using your My Verizon login credentials.